Welcome to the 31st St. Cyprian’s Scout Troop
We meet on…
Wednesdays starting early September through until early June. We will not meet when Monday is a legal holiday or during Christmas and March breaks.
Occasionally we will Patrol Nights so watch closely.
Our meetings will start at…
Arrive at the hall at 6:45, we conduct our Opening at 7pm sharp!
Sometimes we have special starting times so watch your schedule and notices.
We finish our meetings at 8:30 each week.
~ Please be sure that someone comes to meet you promptly at the end of the meeting. ~
Court of Honour…
Court of Honour takes place before each regular meeting at 6:45; all Patrol Leaders are to attend this to go over what will be taking place during the meeting.
If you are going to miss a Scout meeting for any reason, we request that you call and notify your Patrol Leader that you will be absent. You will not earn any points for your Patrol if you are away, but if you call, your Patrol will not be penalized for your absence.
If you arrive to our meeting late, while our opening ceremony is in process, we request that you wait until the opening ceremony is complete.
Safety and Security…
The Two Scouter Rule: please ensure there are two Scouters present before dropping off your youth for the evening's meeting or event.
Arrival – Your leaders will unlock the doors at 6:30-6:45.
Depart – When you are dismissed after our closing, you are expected to collect your belongings and prepare to leave promptly. You may not leave the front porch area immediately outside the doors until some one arrives to retrieve you.
Scout Promise, Law and Motto…
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen
To help other people at all times,
And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.
A Scout is helpful and trustworthy,
kind and cheerful,
considerate and clean,
wise in the use of all resources.
Be Prepared
Badges and Awards… will explain most of the details about the badges that you can earn as a Scout.
All earned badges should be sewn in place by the meeting after they are presented.