Group Committee

Holy Cross Anglican Church

2828 – 19th St NW, Calgary, Alberta

Last weekend of November until we run out of trees
Monday – Friday, 12 – 9pm

Saturday, 9am – 9pm

Sunday, 12 – 6pm

BP Dinner

Holy Cross Anglican Church

2828 – 19th St NW, Calgary, Alberta

Last Saturday in February

Group Committee Meetings

We discuss the needs of the Group, plan annual events, and ensure that all volunteer tasks and responsibilities are successfully achieved.

We are here to support each other and maintain a strong 31st St. Cyprian’s Scout Group for our youth. Meetings are attended by the Section Leaders, Group Committee Members, and we welcome parents to attend as well.

You are encouraged to attend. Bring your ideas and concerns to help us better serve our youth and leaders.

Please talk to your Section leader for more information.

Typically the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm

Annual General Meeting